Settlement in Healthcare Privacy Class Action, Estimated Payouts of $1,750 per Class Member

In John Doe v. California Department of Public Health et al., Los Angeles Superior Court, Case No. 20STCV3236, a settlement has been reached in a lawsuit affecting consumers enrolled in two California state-sponsored health care programs for individuals living with HIV. Notice of the Settlement was mailed on June 16, 2023.

The settlement addresses an alleged unauthorized disclosure of protected health information, including HIV status, by certain defendants as part of the California Department of Public Health’s (“CDPH”) administration of the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (“ADAP”) and the Office of AIDS Health Insurance Premium Payment Program (“OA-HIPP”).

All individuals enrolled in the ADAP and OA-HIPP programs whose information was potentially disclosed without authorization were sent a prior notice from CDPH in June 2020. Those individuals are Settlement Class Members. You are part of the settlement if you are a Settlement Class Member.

Under the terms of the settlement, you will automatically receive a payment in the estimated amount of $1,750 as well as other non-monetary benefits, including requiring certain defendants to delete your information. 

If you have questions about the settlement, please visit the settlement website or call or email the Settlement Administrator, JND Legal Administration:


Mr. Mansfield was one of the lead attorneys who helped negotiate this settlement as of counsel to Whatley Kallas LLP. His biography can be viewed here.